Trend-Rx brings clarity to abstract trends
Making sense of the world. This is what drives us. We help organisations understand social, societal and technological trends. And we help organisations to translate these trends in terms of impact on their market position. Partly by inspiring our clients, partly by exploring with our clients.
The goal is to create a fascinating, clear and concise story that is based on evidence-based trend analysis, giving organizations and their staff better insights into the world they are operating in. Abstract trends are made understandable enabling organizations to make better decisions about their own future.

Organisations do not operate within a vacuum. The basis of each trend analysis is external analysis. What’s happening in the world? Trend-Rx helps clients rediscover their environment by structuring and continually monitoring its environment. Partly by describing trends. Partly by exploring trends with the client. We translate this into an external fact based analysis. An analysis that makes the market position of organisations insightful and actionable.

How does the environment affect the organisation? The environmental analysis is translated into concrete consequences for the organisation. Trend-Rx helps organisations discover how their competitors react to its actions. Business war gaming is a role-playing game designed to help players understand how competitors behave and how competitors may respond to ideas of the orgsanisation. These insights help clients through scenario planning to discover how markets evolve.

Organisations need a unifying story. A story that gives the organisation and its staff better insight into the world around them and helps them to make better predictions that give more certainty. Trend-Rx helps organisations transform their discoveries and analyses into a fascinating, concise and clear story.
The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.”
Malcolm Gladwell – Blink: the power of thinking without thinking